Verizon Wireless announced it will start selling Motorola Mobility’s Xoom tablet on Thursday, February 24. The tablet, which runs on Google’s latest Android OS, will cost US$600 with a two-year contract. The cost of data service, meanwhile, will start at $20 for 1GB of bandwidth per month.
Motorola Xoom users will be able to upgrade to Verizon’s 4G data service for free. There will also be a Wi-Fi enabled version of the tablet. It is unclear, however, when these will happen.
The Xoom runs on Android 3.0, also known as Honeycomb, which is designed specifically for tablets. It can store 32GB of files and features dual cameras for video conference and a Flash video player.
Buyers who wanted a no-strings-attached Motorola Xoom can purchase it for $800.
Source: CNN