Altek A14 Leo Android Camera Phone comes with a 14MP autofocus camera with 3x optical zoom and Xenon flash, it becomes first Android handset with these feature. There is a 3.2 inch WVGA multi-touch capacitive display, 3.5G, HSDPA, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n or WAPI, and a MicroSD card slot. The Altek A14 is powered by an 800MHz CPU paired with runs Android 2.1 Éclair OS. YOu will be able to purchase Altek A14 Leo Android Camera Phone in China and Taiwan this month via China Unicom and Chunghwa Telecom (CHT). No word on pricing yet.
Altek A14 Leo Android Camera Phone
Altek A14 Leo Android Camera Phone comes with a 14MP autofocus camera with 3x optical zoom and Xenon flash, it becomes first Android handset with these feature. There is a 3.2 inch WVGA multi-touch capacitive display, 3.5G, HSDPA, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n or WAPI, and a MicroSD card slot. The Altek A14 is powered by an 800MHz CPU paired with runs Android 2.1 Éclair OS. YOu will be able to purchase Altek A14 Leo Android Camera Phone in China and Taiwan this month via China Unicom and Chunghwa Telecom (CHT). No word on pricing yet.