There is new gossip that iPhone 5 would be having a redesigned Antenna with Aluminum backing instead to apply glass surface which is present in the current iPhone or there’s also some possibility to adopt iPod Touch 4G design. We unable to findout the fact, but we think Apple will work Aluminum backing and redesigned Antenna for next generation iPhone 5 because Apple faced alot of problems in iPhone 4 antenna signal loss and scratching on the back glass. The iPhone 5 will be expected in the month of June or July at WWDC 2011.

Decision to design iPhone 5 similar to iPod touch instead of using glass was arrived after receiving number of complaints. Apple seems to stop damages from scratching, issues after painting it white (for white iPhone 5), weight of glass and want to make it more durable instead.
Antenna will be designed just behind Apple Logo so that cellular and Wi-Fi signal can penetrate easily. Side exposed steel antennas seem to be abandoned, as designed in iPhone 4.